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  • Hin-Kiu Mok, Hsin-Yi Yu, Jinn-Pyng Ueng, and Ruey-Chang Wei,  "Characterization of Sounds of the Blackspotted Croaker Protonibea diacanthus (Sciaenidae) and Localization of Its Spawning Sites in the Estuarine Coastal Waters of Taiwan," Zoological Studies, Vol. 148, No.3, pp.325-333 (2009).

  • Hsiang-Chih Chan, Ruey-Chang Wei, and Chi-Fang Chen, “Measurement and simulation for wind noises in the ocean environments with nonlinear internal waves,” submitted to Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.163-176 (2009).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Chi-Fang Chen, Arthur E. Newhall, James F. Lynch, Timothy F. Duda, Chih-Sheng Liu, and Po-Chang Lin, “A  Preliminary Examination of the Low- Frequency Ambient Noise Field in the South China Sea During the 2001 ASIAEX Experiment,” IEEE J. of Oceanic Engineering Vol. 29(4), pp. 1308-1315 (2004).(SCI)

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, H. C. Chan, and C. S. Liu, “Low-Frequency Ambient-Noise Analysis in South China Sea,” J. of the Acoustical Society of R.O.C., Vol. 10 (1), pp. 31-49 (2004).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei and C. Tu, “Sciaenids Vocalization Detection by Cross-Correlation Analysis,” J. of the Acoustical Society of R.O.C., Vol. 10 (1), pp. 50-65 (2004).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, H. C. Chan, and P. C. Lin, “Vertical Directionality Analysis of Low Frequency Shallow Water Ambient Noise,” J. of the Acoustical Society of R.O.C., Vol. 10 (1), pp. 66-81 (2004).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei and W. F. Lin, “Study of Wind Delay Effect on Ocean Ambient Noise,” J. of the Acoustical Society of R.O.C., Vol. 8 (2), pp. 29-44 (2002).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, J. H. Yeh, C. F. Chen, and D. H. Liang, “Ambient Noise Measurement System and Data Analysis: Construction of Noise Model for the Ocean near the Kaohsiung Harbor,” J. of the Acoustical Society of R.O.C., Vol. 6 (1), pp. 1-12 (1999).



  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Yu-Lin Liu, "Automatic Extraction Fish Sounds Using Endpoint Detection," 11th underwater technology forum and the National Science Council result announcement meeting, pp. 209-213, (2009).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Ni-Hung Cheng, "Study of Spatial Coherence of Ocean Ambient Noise," 11th underwater technology forum and the National Science Council result announcement meeting, pp. 215-221, (2009).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Chien-Jen Wang, "Ocean Ambient Noise Comparison of Taiwan Northeastern and Southwestern Sea," 11th underwater technology forum and the National Science Council result announcement meeting, pp. 223-228, (2009).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Chih-Hao Wu, "Scheme and Development of Ocean Ambient Noise Database," 11th underwater technology forum and the National Science Council result announcement meeting, pp. 229-236.  (2009).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Yu-Lin Liu, "The development of sound database for marine fishes in Taiwan," 2008 Conference on Bioacoustics-related Research, pp.13, (2008).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Jung-Ting Tsai, Chien-Jen Wang, "Ambient Noise Analysis of Little Liuchiu Sea," 10th underwater technology forum and the National Science Council result announcement meeting, pp. 13-18,  (2008).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Ying-Wei Tsai, Yu-Lin Liu, "Identification of Sound Characteristics of Holocentridae by Back-propagation Neural Network," 10th underwater technology forum and the National Science Council result announcement meeting, pp. 19-25,  (2008).

  • Hsiang-Chih Chan, Ruey-Chang Wei, Wen-Zheng Hu, and Chi-Fang Chen, “Using vertical directionality to study the ambient noise fluctuations due to internal waves in South China Sea,” 149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 117, No. 4, April., p. 2577 (2005).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Yao-Hsien Kuo, Cheng-Hung Chen, and Hsiang-Chih Chan , “Geoacoustic parameters inversion by ambient noise in South China Sea experiment of ASIAEX,” 149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 117, No. 4, April., p. 2442 (2005).

  • Tim Duda, James Lynch, Phil Abbot, and Ruey-Chang Wei, "Vertical line array beamforming of signal and noise in shallow-water regions," 148th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 116, No. 4, Pt. 2, Oct., pp. 2535 (2004).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Chi-Fang Chen, and Hsiang-Chih Chan, "Initial study of ambient noise modeling for 2001 ASIAEX SCS Experiment," 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 115, No. 5, Pt. 2 of 2, May, pp. 2508-2509 (2004).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Hsiang-Chih Chan, and Po-Chang Lin, "Analysis on vertical directivity of shallow-water ambient noise in South China Sea," 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 115, No. 5, Pt. 2 of 2, May, p. 2508 (2004).

  • Shih-Wei Hong and Ruey-Chang Wei, "Development of net cage acoustic alarm system," 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 115, No. 5, Pt. 2 of 2, May, p. 2474 (2004).

  • Chang Tu, Ruey-Chang Wei, and Hsiang-Chih Chan, "Passive acoustic localization for Sciaenid habitat in coastal water of Taiwan," 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 115, No. 5, Pt. 2 of 2, May, p. 2474 (2004).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, James F. Lynch, Arthur E. Newhall, Hsiang-Chih Chan, Chih-Sheng Liu, and Po-Chang Lin, "The Ambient Noise Fluctuation and Directionality Study in South China Sea," Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Underwater Technology, April, pp.255-260, (2004)

  • Timothy F. Duda, James F. Lynch, Glen G. Gawarkiewicz, Ching-Sang Chiu, Ruey-Chang Wei, and Phil Abbot, "Directional noise and correlation of signal and noise variability in the ASIAEX South China Sea Experiment," 146th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 114, No. 4 ,Pt. 2 of 2, Oct. 2003, p. 2461 (2003).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Jim Lynch,  Arthur Newhall, Chih-Sheng Liu, Hsiang-Chih Chan, Yung-Chien Chen "Analysis of South China Sea Low Frequency Ambient Noise," 2003 ASIAEX Analysis Workshop in Taipei Proceeding (2003).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei and Hsiang-Chih Chan, "Study on ambient noise generated from breaking waves simulated by a wave maker in a tank," 144th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 112, No. 5 Pt. 2 Nov. 2002, pp. 2363 (2002).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei and Yung-Chien Chen, "Ambient noise level on vertical array in ASIAEX South China Sea experiment," 144th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, Vol. 112, No. 5 Pt. 2 Nov. 2002, pp. 2450 (2002).

  • Ruey-Chang Wei, C. F. Chen, and D. H. Liang , “Ambient Noise Measurement and Model Construction for the Ocean near Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan,” Proceedings of Oceanology International 99 Pacific Rim, pp. 453-461 (1999).


  • Ruey-Chang Wei, Chi-Fang Chen, and Gwo-Shyh Song, “Final Report of Bathymetric Survey in South China Sea for ASIAEX,” NSYSU (2001).



  • Chi-Fang Chen, Tswen-Yung Tang, Ruey-Chang Wei, Gee-Pin Too, Ying-Jang Yang, Steven R. Ramp, James F. Lynch, Ching-Sang Chiu, and Jeffrey Simmen,  Proceeding of 2003 ASIAEX Analysis Workshop in Taipei (2003).  



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